Commercial Back Office
Highway concessionaires can always have control over the toll system. The solution allows for the configuration of toll policies, pricing, subscriptions, and exemptions, as well as simplified revenue management. The integration of a CRM system allows for the storage of customer data, providing all the necessary information for future services (e.g., managing customer accounts with a rechargeable balance). An advanced Trip Building algorithm can also determine and reconstruct users’ routes.
The solution is capable of interfacing with external Payment Service Providers through standard interfaces (e.g., ISO 12855) or custom ones for the exchange of transit data and valid ticket lists. As a complementary offering, there is a Data Lake that enables Reporting and Analytics activities and can be used by third-party systems.
Operational Back Office
This solution aims to monitor the operation of RSE equipment: it centralizes device configuration and ensures software and data distribution.
It allows for the management of anomalies both automatically and with operator intervention. By providing a Trouble Ticketing platform, the solution enables the processing of system performance KPIs to support the concessionaire, especially in terms of preventive and predictive maintenance.
One of its functions is, in fact, to transmit field-acquired data to the system, according to the required protocols and formats. Finally, it allows for Asset Management operations to track the lifecycle of the devices.