Road health goes digital

Transport is the lifeblood of every economy: safe and functional infrastructure ensures that people and goods move efficiently. This is not just the result of investment and engineering methods: digital plays an increasingly important role.

This is especially true of roads and motorways, which are an essential factor in generating new connections and accelerating local economic growth. In this context, structure monitoring and maintenance is critical to ensuring efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness.

The European context

Europe, in particular, has 77 thousand kilometres of motorways, plus 217 thousand kilometres of railways and 42,000 thousand kilometres of waterways. A broad and complex “web”, subject to considerable investment at both the national and community level, which can give the sector a significant boost. In this area, technological solutions are a valuable ally for identifying potential issues and opportunities and directing funding to where it will be most effective.

In the background, there is the major Trans-European Transport Network (Ten-T) project: its aim is to facilitate interconnection between the infrastructure systems of different countries by solving existing challenges (missing links, fragmentation, etc.). Sustainability and innovation are the underlying principles of this modernisation work

Technology is essential

The sector can benefit greatly from the latest technological solutions. This applies especially to the most substantial parts of the road network, such as bridges, viaducts and tunnels.

Real-time data collection, information processing and use of artificial intelligence, for example, make it possible to enhance and improve verification and maintenance, including in relation to sustainability. This makes processes more efficient, ensuring longer structure life and greater safety for travellers.

The application of IoT sensors and targeted algorithms also makes it possible to predict critical conditions, so that action can be taken before problems escalate