Research and innovation
At Movyon, research and innovation are the driving force behind all our initiatives. We adopt an agile and future-oriented approach, which allows us to invest in emerging ideas and grow them into concrete projects. Our model allows us to allocate resources according to the maturity of technologies, favouring increasingly advanced solutions.
Collaboration is the core of our innovation process. We cooperate with universities, research centres and technology partners of international standing to ensure that each project is at the cutting edge and meets the global challenges of smart mobility.
Areas of research and innovation
KEHV – Kinetic Energy Harvesting from Vehicles
A system capable of converting the kinetic energy of vehicles during deceleration into electrical energy.
Work Zone Monitoring
Increased road safety with innovative drone construction site monitoring system.
HiSensitive Lane
An intelligent IoT-based solution to optimise visibility, improve safety and reduce environmental impact along roads.
Charging while driving
A new methodology for dynamic charging of electric vehicles while driving.
Pavement distress detection
An advanced automatic video analysis system for real-time monitoring of road pavement anomalies.
Pavement monitoring through sensors
An innovative system of integrated sensors enables the monitoring of the floor temperature in real time.
Highway Breeze
An innovative project using micro wind turbines to produce sustainable energy along motorways.