Pavement monitoring through sensors

Pavement monitoring through sensors

An innovative system of integrated sensors enables the monitoring of the floor temperature in real time.

load-bearing capacity of pavements, i.e. their resistance to the stresses caused by vehicular traffic, is a key parameter in ensuring safety and planning targeted maintenance work. This value is traditionally measured with tools such as the Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD), a device that detects pavement deformation while in motion, providing continuous data along the stretch of motorway. However, since the bearing capacity is strongly influenced by the temperature of the asphalt, an accurate estimation of this parameter is only possible from temperature data collected at the same time as the deflection basin survey.

Currently, temperature is often estimated through predictive models based on air temperature, but this methodology can be inaccurate, especially when dealing with sponged floors. To fill this gap, the Pavement Monitoring through Sensors project developed an innovative solution that integrates temperature sensors directly into the asphalt layers during the laying phase. 

These sensors, self-powered and designed to last as long as the pavement itself, communicate with a data logger installed on moving vehicles. The data logger activates the sensors when the vehicle approaches, collecting dynamic measurements without affecting the road surface structure. This system not only guarantees an accurate reading of the actual floor temperature, but also reduces the energy consumption of the sensors, extending their service life.

Thanks to this technology, it is possible to normalise the deflectometer readings to a reference temperature, improving the reliability of capacity data and enabling more effective maintenance. The solution is scalable and suitable for application on large motorway networks, helping to reduce the risk of structural degradation and ensuring safer and more resilient infrastructure over time.

Research & Development

We collaborate with startups, research centers and universities, in Italy and abroad, to develop solutions that improve operational processes and introduce new features, making mobility more efficient, safe and sustainable. As the technology hub of the Autostrade per l’Italia Group, we are committed to developing advanced solutions for improving mobility, with applications ranging from motorways to urban infrastructure.