10 MAY 2023

Free Flow Systems: new Movyon barrier-free toll system inaugurated in Argentina

On 9 May, the new “Free Flow” toll system was inaugurated on the Illia motorway in the City of Buenos Aires, in the presence of Rodríguez Larreta, head of the local government, accompanied by other institutional figures, the President of Autopistas Urbanas (AUSA), José Luis Acevedo and Movyon Chief Executive Officer, Lorenzo Rossi.

The solution, initiated by AUSA, the infrastructure operator, and the first case of barrier-free tolling open to all types of vehicles in Argentina, was implemented by Movyon.

The main objectives of the implemented technology include a reduction in traffic congestion in the 10.5 km of Illia motorway and a better travel experience for the 93,000 daily users.  The system also allows a reduction in polluting gases equal to 1,154 tonnes of CO2 per year, a key result in terms of sustainability, which can be achieved through the elimination of queues.

How it works

The system replaces traditional toll booths with a portal equipped with devices that capture the license plate of vehicles, detect the TAG RFID on board and identify their category, recording the passage of the vehicle and allowing the electronic payment of the toll without slowing down or stopping.

It is an impressive and technologically advanced facility covering a total of 11 lanes equipped with redundant devices. The solution is accompanied by real-time monitoring tools that allow the operator to control, manage and measure the performance of the toll infrastructure.

The system’s accuracy levels are among the highest in the industry, with KPIs of 99.9% for portal availability and 97% for RFID tag reading.

This important project is added to other systems implemented by Movyon worldwide, totalling 450 free Flow portals and Stop&Go stations.