11 MAY 2023

“FALCO” programme: the first test phase for traffic monitoring with drones has been completed

The first part of the “Falco” Programme, an experimental system of the Autostrade per l’Italia Group which, through the use of drones, allows real-time video streams to be sent directly to the Radio Information Centre, making it possible to monitor the state of the road network even on stretches of motorway along which no cameras are available, has just been completed.  A unique initiative in Italy, launched in the Ligurian area, both in terms of the number of hours flown and the characteristics of the test, which involved night flights and the monitoring of exceptional transits, including at construction sites, along certain sections of the A26 and the A10. With this technology ASPI intends to complement the existing system of cameras and sensors for traffic monitoring.

The programme consisted of about ten days, in which the drones were activated both on a scheduled and an occasional basis: more than 60 km of highways were flown over5 drone models tested26 different targets monitored and 79 flights carried out, totalling around 16 actual hours, of which more than 3 were at night. The results obtained upon conclusion of the first project phase were shared with ENAV, which provided useful insights for the identification of further technical and operational improvements, which will be implemented in the next project phases.

During the flights, in addition to the road conditions, it was possible to observe the construction sites, road signs, the exact extent of the queues, the state of the pavement and greenery.  During night flights, thanks to the use of integrative technologies such as thermal cameras and infrared sensors, particular operational conditions have been observed, such as the activation phases of a construction site and the transit of exceptional transports.

In the first phase of the “Falco” experiment, the drones were piloted visually by operators in the field, while in the second phase planned for this summer, remote piloting will be initiated and drones capable of carrying out monitoring missions along predefined routes in automatic mode will be introduced. For this reason a layout composed of “nests” has been designed, already installed to house the drones and allow them to fly over the assigned section on the A26 from the A10 junction to Ovada, and on the A10 between the junction with the A26 and Varazze.

Launched in collaboration with Movyon, the Autostrade per l’Italia Group’s centre of excellence for research and innovation and a leader in technological solutions for mobility, the initiative came to life in the Genoa Regional Headquarter to assess the opportunities and limitations in the use of drones in one of the most orographically complex areas and in potentially adverse weather conditions. In the future, the use of drones could be part of normal network patrolling activities, supporting technicians in detecting potential dangers, ensuring shorter intervention time and better quality of service.

This experimental project is part of the broader Mercury Programme. Smart Sustainable Mobility, Autostrade per l’Italia Group’s plan aimed at creating a large, integrated, and coordinated hub for technological innovation, in order to ensure safer infrastructures and actively participate in the revolution brought about by decarbonisation, digitisation, and new transport services to all mobility systems. The Programme involves the Group’s different subsidiaries and will modernise assets and extend their service life, making traffic smoother and increasing travellers’ safety. An active contribution to the decarbonisation and energy transition process, aimed at bringing significant benefits to the community and the environment.