More than 32k lighting devices with LED technology and a system capable of adjusting the light intensity of each single device according to the weather conditions outside the tunnel: these are the main innovations introduced by the “Energy efficiency plan for reinforcement lighting circuits” launched by Autostrade per l’Italia and covering 450 tunnels on the network. This innovation will also enable energy savings of approximately 10 Gwh per year and will enhance driving comfort for the 4.5 million travellers who use the 3,000 km network every day. By investing more than EUR 20 million, ASPI plans to complete the efficiency plan with LED reinforcement devices by 2026.
The Autostrade per l’Italia Group was among the first national players to introduce this technology. The programme stems from a 2020 study, which revealed the opportunity to convert the sodium technology devices, already installed in the tunnel reinforcement circuits, with innovative LED devices. The estimated potential energy savings of 10 GWh per year allow reducing CO2 emissions by 2600 tonnes per year, the equivalent of the average annual consumption of a municipality of over 10,000 inhabitants. A state-of-the-art solution already used in tunnels such as the ‘Santa Lucia’, the longest 3-lane tunnel ever built in Europe and one of the 5 largest in the world in terms of overall size.
The new plan also provides for the evolution in the control of the light output of each single device. The Smart System technological solution, developed and integrated by Movyon, a subsidiary of Autostrade per l’Italia, not only guarantees real-time monitoring of energy consumption, but also overcomes the current use of the astronomical clock to adjust the light output, thanks to the aid of external luminance photometer. These sensors, which detect the brightness level of the sun outside the tunnel in real time, communicate with the control panel of the lighting circuit, offering significant benefits for the visual comfort of travellers. In fact, thanks to this technology, the intensity of the light output of the devices installed at the entrance of the tunnel is modulated according to the actual atmospheric conditions, varying the output based on the brightness level of the sunlight. This system reduces the visual stress of users, increasing the overall security of the infrastructure.
39 tunnels have already been covered by the plan, and they are located at the Genoa (19), Florence (6), Cassino (12) and Pescara (2) Regional Headquarters.
The reduction in energy consumption and the consequent decrease in CO2 emissions are part of the Group’s objectives, which aim to progressively eliminate both direct and indirect carbon footprints, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the governments of the 193 UN member states.
The Energy Efficiency Plan is part of the Mercury Programme, which aims to enhance the existing infrastructure, bringing it up to a state-of-the-art technological and functional level, so as to offer a safe and comfortable journey to its users. Mercury stands out at the European level as a comprehensive initiative focused on infrastructure safety, their adaptation and modernisation, to optimise new mobility paradigms and the decarbonisation of transport. It contributes to improving traffic flow, reducing CO2 emissions, and promoting solutions for energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.