Code of ethics

Objectives of the Code

The Code of Ethics (hereinafter also the “Code”) represents a guide in making decisions and carrying out actions consistent with the culture of responsibility, legality, transparency and the creation of long-term value for all our interlocutors, contributing to a development sustainable. The Code is an integral part of the broader Internal Control and Risk Management System and is a useful tool for creating and maintaining values ​​and integrity over time as well as for strengthening the trust and spirit of the Group. The Code is addressed to the members of the corporate administration and control bodies, to the managers and employees of the Group, to third parties / business partners (such as, for example, suppliers, consultants, representatives, commercial partners, etc.), who collaborate or work in the name or on behalf and / or in the interest (hereinafter also “recipients” of the Code of Ethics) of the Group. We also ask all investee companies to adopt ethical documents and conduct in line with the general principles defined in this Code. The Code of Ethics applies to all Group companies.